

I am a Transformational Coach and Mentor, Divorce and Break-Up Coach, NLP Practitioner, Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Retreat Leader, Sound Healer and Speaker.

My passion is to share my unique blending pot of tools to help you transform and live the life you truly desire.

I wish, when I needed it most, I could have found someone who could have helped me understand my grief and loss, to change the stories I had created for most of my life and which held me back from stepping into my power.

Lucy has a way of bringing love and light back to even the darkest of days, her classes are a lifeline to sanity.
— Sarah, London

My childhood memories are happy ones, however my parents divorce when I was 14, badly affected me. The divorce wasn’t amicable and I became anxious and tried to fix things, questioning trust, stability and developing low self-esteem and self-worth.

When I needed it most, I didn't have the tools to cope.

What followed for me was deep confusion and a complete lack of identity. I developed coping mechanisms to try and survive, I dated men only to find feelings of mistrust rearing their ugly head and I quickly sabotaged every relationship I was in.

I was successful in staying physically healthy, I was successful in work, but I was far from successful in my love life. 

When I did finally meet a man who I allowed myself to fall in love with and marry, have two beautiful boys with, I still found a way to sabotage it. I also chose a man who had his own story to work out, who was also sitting in his own pain, we were two lost souls looking to heal each other. We both knew that we had to go our separate ways, we could not sustain the marriage.

When we broke up, my boys were only 2 and 4 years old. It was utterly terrifying and I was full of despair and anxiety. I was struggling to cope, even though it might have appeared otherwise. I knew deep inside me, now was the time to STOP, to stop this endless cycle of grief and to change my story.

Lucy has been key to me finding a voice and a self compassion that I needed to start making a necessary change.
— Louise, London

I was searching for some spiritual way to get out of the fog and like a miracle along came Kundalini!

I discovered very quickly how powerful this practice was. For the first time I realised the connection between the bodies wisdom, raised consciousness and heightened awareness. I knew this was going to be my journey towards liberation. 

Grief doesn't go away unless we work with it.

Through the journey of body and energy work, coaching, deep inner work and the desire to change my story and be my most authentic self. 

My loss continued during the breakdown of my marriage when I lost both of my parents; at this point I could have spiralled into the darkest of places. It took courage and commitment to not fall apart. I made a conscious decision to explore my emotions rather than hide them away, to create a compassionate and forgiving relationship with myself, to really allow the grief to be part of my growth. I wanted to raise my kids to understand emotions and to be able to express themselves.

Navigating my way through the loss of both my parents, my divorce and being a single parent has taken work and effort and using all the tools I have learnt over the years.

Of course, there was blood, sweat and tears along the way, losing parents and getting divorced is NOT ever going to be plain sailing, nor is any separation. I know though, hand on heart, there is a way to rise again, to be able to step into a new vision for your life, to find peace after loss, to work through a divorce with forgiveness of self, and to co-parent with compassion.

"You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide to not be reduced by them".

Maya Angelou

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So, How Can I Help You?

My passion is to help you find yourself again, navigate your way through and beyond your divorce or breakup, step into courage and clarity and get all the support and guidance you need.

I know first hand how easy it is to fall into a state of fear, panic, anger, rage and victim mentality. It can be a very lonely, dark place, especially if you have children who need your love and attention.

Negotiating a break up or divorce involves many stages, and it can be hugely stressful. Support is vital, not just around finances. 

Family and friends will only listen for so long, you muddle through without the connection you truly desire, leaving you with feelings of loneliness, bitterness and confusion.

It has taken me years to get to a place of authenticity, years of therapy, inner work and struggle. I wish when I needed it most I could have found a place to get emotional and practical support, someone who only had my best interests at heart, who was pro-active, empathetic, encouraging, and who had a tool box of therapies and skills to help me get to where I wanted to be.

Now I want to help you...

I have been going through a messy break up, and was very overwhelmed. I found Lucy to be professional, yet familiar, as if she was a friend, so talking to her came easy. Listening to her coach me was encouraging and empowering.
— Shamina, London

It takes courage to want to rise again, you don’t need to do it alone.

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Lucy’s Training


Certified Maturation Coach with Nicole Clinch

Certified Level 1 and 2 Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Teache

Advanced certified NLP coach.

Personal Performance Diploma in Life Coaching with The Coaching Academy

 "Mastering the addictive personality” with Carolyn Cowan

Certified Starchild Kids Yoga instructor

Gong training with Mark Swain and Intensive Gong & Sound Therapy with Tone of Life Gongs in Poland