
Loss to Liberation Programme


“Lucy's ‘Loss to Liberation’ programme is an inspirational and thorough holistic programme that incorporates many methods to help you navigate separation and/or divorce.

The programme focuses on your mindset, spiritual journey, and kundalini yoga.

I learnt so much about myself and my relationship with my former husband. Lucy also helped me with her very deep and effective NLP sessions to help come to terms with other serious life events.

I came away from the programme spiritually in a much better place and with a toolbox of methods to continue my growth into the future.”



“I was lucky enough to work with, and be supported, by Lucy on the 10-week Loss to Liberation course. It has been an incredible and vital experience, fundamentally changing how I see myself. I was feeling so broken by the separation process before starting the course. I was scared about the future, carrying a hefty amount of baggage from the past, and unable to cope in the present. After finishing the course I feel like the lights have turned back on in my life, I'm more grateful, more joyful, so much kinder to myself, and excited by the options ahead of me.

Lucy is an inspirational, empathetic, and strong woman, who gives so much to each and every one of her clients. I'm continuing yoga classes with her as am now hooked on kundalini and will be signing up for top up 1:1 sessions along the way. Essentially, I want to keep some Lucy time in my life even though the course is over!

Thank you, Lucy. I can't believe how different I feel just a few months on. I am so pleased I signed up to the course and would recommend it to anyone experiencing the grief and fear that envelops separation and divorce.”



“I can't even begin to express what a difference the Loss to Liberation programme has made to me. Navigating divorce is hard, add in 3 children and a global pandemic and it has been more than challenging.

Then along came Lucy!! After joining in with one of Lucy's challenges I signed up to her 10 week programme. Not only did Lucy offer empathy and a safe place to talk but I felt drawn to her amazing energy and the tools she used and taught. I didn't want to just talk it through I wanted to fully move on and be pro-active in my own story!

Every single element helped me in some way. The Miracle Mantra is something I have done almost daily for 3 months now and will continue to do so. I find meditation hard and it has never been my thing, but the mantra focused my mind in a way nothing else ever has. The Kundalini Yoga was a hugely powerful experience. The first time I did a session I felt such an emotionally release I found myself sobbing into my yoga mat. Feelings I wasn't even consciously aware of, that my body had held on to for years were finally leaving. I can't describe how impactful it all was!

I looked forward to the group sessions (which surprised me) and every story and journey shared resonated in some way. Together with the 1 to 1 sessions which including tapping, NLP and guided meditations I have seen huge shifts.

Having reached the end I realise nothing in my life has changed over the last 10 weeks..... except me.... and how I am dealing with it all, which is hugely positive for us all! ❤️ I no longer fear the future or wonder where I am heading, I feel totally content with whereI am and at peace with where I have been.” 🙏



"This programme came into my life at a time of tremendous need and was like a juggernaut of holistic transformation for me! I wanted to really dig deep to clear out the weeds of the past, confront the present and help create a focused and clear path forward in my life/ relationships.

On every level I have reaped significant rewards and to that end I can truly say that there isn't any part of the course that hasn't been essential and worthy in the process.

Lucy and the course have been hugely supportive, nourishing, revealing and allowed me to really delve deep. I have stared at my inner core in the face of turmoil and deep seated need to address all within me and am now
flying forward as a newly emerging butterfly!

If anyone else is thinking of investing in themselves, do not hesitate on giving yourself the time, space and support to radically transform you and your life - it will blow your mind!"


Mind Blowing

“What a mind blowing ten weeks! With Lucy’s guidance and her gentle presence, I feel as I though I have met parts of me I had always been too scared to know until now. After years and years of thinking and therapy, the emphasis here on connecting the theory to the body and bringing it into the real world has been both refreshing and profound. I have been inspired to commit to a daily practice and given the tools and insight to know how to nourish myself in bleak moments and to work through the pain with a deep understanding of my own story and a newly restored faith in the future.

I think it’s Lucy’s attitude and energy that make this course so uniquely successful. She’s been through it all and is somehow able to impart tactical advice via practical experience whilst also wrapping you in a blanket of empathy that means she begins to feel like the spiritual big sister you always wished you had. I have found myself prepping for a call to my solicitor with a miracle mantra or a five minute downward dog… and things are finally moving forward! I will always be grateful to have been given this treasure chest of resources to draw upon in all areas of life. If you are ready for release I couldn't think of a better place to start. Thanks xx”



“This powerful course has been an investment in self, where I felt I have the strength to finally move on, it cleared a pathway and I feel I have constructed a life long internal manual to work by.

It is a strong arm guiding you but letting you take the emotional steps yourself as only you can. It doesn’t just heal you from your divorce or loss trauma, it sets in stone an emotional internal structure to root you in yourself. I feel better equipped to move with fluidity and make positive connections.

Lucy is on hand every step of the way, I felt listened too and heard, relaxed and accepted which was crucial for me to heal.

Lucy has empathy, but also doesn’t let you drown in self pity, this is about empowerment and letting go, to move on to a brighter clearer future with a supportive experienced and caring hand. Honestly, it’s the best thing I’ve ever done!!”


Turning Point

“I did not set out to find a course to do but it turned up at the right time and I thought ‘why not give it a whirl, what have I got to lose’. I can honestly say that the course has been a bit of a lifeboat to me.

I was having a rollercoaster year, separating from a long term partner and moving house. The yoga and meditation has really helped ground me and Lucy’s attitude has encouraged me to see this turning point as the springboard to an exciting future. Thank you Lucy”.



“Lucy popped up on my Facebook (algorithms!) and I was inspired to join her course after listening to her free masterclass. Loss to Liberation felt a lot more positive than sitting in therapy going over and over what went wrong.

It struck a chord that I didn’t want to come out of the breakdown of my marriage, feeling bereft for the rest of my life. In the process I have learnt a lot about who I am and that however hard it is, and there is no doubt for some of us it really is a terrifying and awful legal and emotional process, that one can try and focus on letting go of the pain and distress and building one’s self confidence again to build a new and better life - even if it wasn’t the one that you had hoped for.

Lucy doesn’t have any magic pills, but she has a huge amount of knowledge and experience in divorce and overcoming grief and ultimately. She is incisive and insightful in getting to the root of the matter for you. A brilliant divorce coach, yoga teacher and ultimately life coach, who makes you look at your fears head on, makes them acceptable and helps you climb over them”.



"I just did the Miracle Mantra for this first time and HOLY JESUS, it was INCREDIBLE!! I feel a bit high, it is powerful stuff, it's such a release of tension, I am literally gobsmacked!”




"I approached Lucy when I was going through a particularly challenging time in my life. It had got to the point where I couldn't burden my friends anymore and I knew in my gut I needed support and understanding from someone. I knew with Lucy I could speak to her in my darkest moments. Lucy has really helped me and continues to support me with the many skills she possesses. Lucy has an extraordinary understanding of the challenging physiological dynamics of long term relationships, she has helped me calm my mind and nervous system and has been key to me finding my voice and a self-compassion that I needed so much. Her empathy, wisdom, continuing support and her tool box of therapies, gives me confidence to move towards a clearer future”.



"What an incredible coaching session Lucy, thank you for lighting up the pathway. I already feel focused and able to see the way forward through to a happier me. You created a deeply safe space where I felt heard and understood. I feel you have shined a light on my own tools to heal. I know this journey will have a beautiful destination that I can now see”.



“In the coaching sessions I did with Lucy, we covered a lot of ground. She was professional and very passionate in her practice, I found it to be really helpful and transformative, I am looking forward to working with her more”.



"Our session left me with so much to think about and I can't believe we got to so many important points within an hour - you are brilliant!”.



"Lucy what a great session! You totally got me, my situation, my story, and I now have so much to play with and think about already. Thank you!”.



“I had my ‘Power Activation’ call this morning with Lucy Keaveny Coaching and WOW! I’ve been shocked how transformative it’s been in just an hour…I came with an open mind, not knowing what I could achieve, but I can firmly say that my heart has gone from being completely closed to opening up to the possibilities ahead! Lucy was fully focused and helped guide me to move forward to what I desire - I can’t recommend her highly enough! Thanks Lucy x”




“Lucy and Maree created a magical, transformative, restful, rejuvenating week in the beautiful surrounds of South Goa. Fabulous house, the food was fresh and utterly delicious, and plenty of time to ourselves if we didn’t want to get stuck into the fun that was planned. I came away rested and filled with a deep sense of peace, but with a new practice ritual that I have been sticking to every day to maintain the feelings of inner peace and strength. Best of all, I made some precious new friendships I shall treasure. Lucy’s gong baths at the end of each practice elevated the daily yoga from deep stretching classes to spiritually elevating workouts for the soul as much as the body and mind”.



“It was the kind of week money cannot really buy. Hard work and spirituality – and so much laughter. The week completely flew by (even for someone like me who cannot touch their toes!) and for as much as I wasn’t a grade A student, I feel like something has shifted. I really cannot thank you both enough for looking after us so well. It’s a week I shall cherish for ever more”.



“The way Lucy and Maree teach Kundalini Yoga brings immense energy and love, the practices are powerful and beautiful. No attention to detail is spared and the yoga Shala is in the most exquisite location. I would thoroughly recommend this unique experience, whether Kundalini is new to you, or you are an advanced practitioner. It is a truly magical experience”.




“Lucy’s yoga class is one that I have been drawn back to again and again, even to an evening class after a long day at work. It’s because there is something ultimately very healing about the type of yoga she teaches, Kundalini, but also the peacefulness that she teaches with. The class is both mentally and physically challenging but Lucy brings a gentle element and a stillness to to it. It ignites your soul while also giving you a intense full body workout and you leaves feeling like you know exactly where you should be in life.”



“Lucy’s classes leave me feeling completely energised and relaxed. The combination of the simple Kundalini movements, repeated at high intensity, followed by the meditation leave me feeling physically and spiritually refreshed! Lucy’s teaching style is informal and fun, she creates the perfect environment for putting beginners at ease while at the same time expertly taking you through the class”.



“Since I’ve started attending Lucy’s Kundalini classes, I have found myself much better at dealing with stress and anxiety. Every class we are guided expertly by Lucy through a challenging and wonderfully meditative kriya followed by an absolutely blissful gong bath. I leave each class feeling renewed and calm”.



“I am new to Kundalini yoga – and received a bundle from Lucy and opened the first lesson up - curious, excited and a bit nervous. Lucy came across so calm and reassuring. She’s a lovely teacher and I am working my way through and enjoying the challenge and thoroughly enjoying the benefits. Highly recommended”